Hear: All the time that you have what we have

In September, I at­tended the ‘Voix nou­velles’ res­id­ency pro­gramme at Fondation Royaumont (as evid­enced by this splendid pho­to­graph) and in the pro­cess wrote All the time that you have what we have. / All the time that you have. for sop­rano Marie Picaut of Les Cris de Paris and Quatuor Diotima’s vi­ol­in­ists YunPeng Zhao and Guillaume Latour. You can now listen to the re­cording of their per­form­ance given during the closing con­cert by clicking on the player above.

It is a some­what un­usual work for me in that its primary ap­proach could be said to be one of drawing more on a per­form­ance art con­text. Though it re­mains music, the work gathers a dra­matic as­pect (that is pos­sibly lost in the re­cording, I can’t tell) in being built around the ex­haus­tion of breath and bow. The per­formers’ struggle to main­tain pres­ence and ex­pres­sion against nat­ural phys­ical limits shapes the sonic ma­terial, ar­riving at sound qual­ities that would prob­ably oth­er­wise be avoided, and — I think/hope — lends it a new meaning.

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A more readable version of the discussion around Johannes Kreidler’s protest at Donaueschingen

At the end of October, sparked by a post by Ian Pace, a heated de­bate took place on Facebook around the protest ac­tion of Johannes Kreidler against the fu­sion of the radio or­ches­tras at Baden-Baden/Freiburg and Stuttgart, which Kreidler per­formed at this year’s Donaueschingen Festival. Having con­sulted the con­trib­utors, Pace sub­sequently posted the full dis­cus­sion on his blog, a pos­itive move, which re­in­forces the idea that so­cial media may be be­coming a valid arena for public debate.

I found both clicking through the posts on Facebook and reading through the dis­cus­sion on Ian’s blog some­what tiring and visu­ally con­fusing, so put to­gether a formatted PDF of the dis­cus­sion to ease my reading. I thought this may prove useful to others, so here it is to dis­tribute as anyone sees fit.

Download the PDF

Update, 30/11: The Gesellschaft für Neue Musik, the or­gan­isa­tion which com­mis­sioned Johannes Kreidler’s per­form­ance, have re­leased a state­ment re­garding this dis­cus­sion, which you can read over on Ian Pace’s blog.

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Hear: The Incredulity of St Thomas

In August, Talea Ensemble gave the first per­form­ance of The Incredulity of St Thomas, for bass cla­ri­net­tist, cel­list and per­cus­sionist, as part of the Harvard Summer Composition Institute. You can now stream or down­load their per­form­ance above. Many thanks to Rane, Chris, Alex and con­ductor Eduardo Leandro for their work on the piece, and to everyone else in­volved in those fant­astic two weeks.

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Talking to France Musique

France Musique logoYou can hear a short in­ter­view with me and some ex­tracts of my music this Monday evening on France Musique’s Les lundis de la con­tem­po­raine broad­cast. The in­ter­view took place a couple of weeks ago during my stay at Fondation Royaumont and for those of you who speak French, you can enjoy me stum­bling into lin­guistic traps of ac­ci­dental ir­rev­er­ence such as ad­dressing in­ter­viewer Pierre Rigaudière with ‘tu’ rather than ‘vous’.

The magazine pro­gramme be­gins at 21:30 CET, fol­lowing a broad­cast of music by Philippe Manoury, Jonathan Harvey and Arnold Schönberg per­formed by the Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra, and will be avail­able to hear on­line until 7 November.

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All the time that you have at Royaumont

The view over the front lawns at Fondation Royaumont
A new work for fe­male voice and two vi­olins, All the time that you have what we have. / All the time that you have., will be premièred on Saturday 22 September in a con­cert con­cluding the three-week ‘Voix nou­velles’ pro­gramme at Fondation Royaumont, an ex-abbey, which forms the idyllic set­ting for a cul­tural centre in the French coun­tryside. Soprano Marie Picaut will per­form along­side vi­ol­in­ists YunPeng Zhao and Guillaume Latour of Quatuor Diotima.

During my time here I have been par­ti­cip­ating in classes with Raphaël Cendo, Brian Ferneyhough and Alberto Posadas while com­pleting the score for this trio. The con­certs will also in­clude music by fellow com­posers Francisco Alvarado, Samantha Fernando, Piaras Hoban, Wei-Chieh Lin, Eric Maestri, Joan Magrane Figuera, Julien Malaussena, Efstratios Minakakis, Sukju Na, Chun Ting Pang, Josep Planells Schiaffino, Naoki Sakata, Benjamin Scheuer and Adi Snir.

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  • Microbiography

    Chris Swithinbank is a British-Dutch com­poser who works with both acoustic in­stru­ments and elec­tronic sounds. He is cur­rently a stu­dent at Harvard University with Chaya Czernowin.
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  • Hear