Wege & Waldstille Performed by Psappha

Wege & Waldstille, for cla­rinet, per­cus­sion, piano, cello and elec­tronics, will be premièred by the fant­astic Psappha at 17:00 on Friday 30 April in the Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall at the Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama. These guys really know how to play and it’s been an ab­so­lute pleasure hearing them re­hearse, so come along! The con­cert also fea­tures works by other University of Manchester post­graduate com­posers (al­most all world premières) — Soojung Park’s Looking over the Land, Josh Kopeček’s the war­rior fallen, Mauricio Pauly’s La Prisa Educable and Yvonne Eccles’s Multiple Infections.

Listings: Facebook / Psappha / Venue

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Wallander: "Not even Stockhausen could have come up with a din like that!"

Wallander: "Not even Stockhausen could have come up with a din like that!"

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Raise Your Voice Line-Up Announced

Raise Your Voice Collective, which I help run, have just an­nounced the line-up for their second outing of con­tem­porary clas­sical, ex­per­i­mental elec­tronics and chilled-out beats at Centro Bar in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. It’s an ex­citing mix, stretching from Martin Suckling’s Passacaglie for cello and elec­tronics ori­gin­ally written to make use of the Hyperbow de­veloped at MIT, via the sor­didly urban an­gular lines and ir­reg­ular rhythms of Tom Coult’s Avian Riots, to Steve Pycroft’s Richter VS Dragon, which ap­plies re-mixing and mash-up tech­niques to in­stru­mental music, and ending with a live DJ set from Al Sonar of Hit&Run. Also among the pieces being played will be my piece The Golden Lion Hotel for per­cus­sion and electronics.

The night is Friday 14 May and takes place as part of the FutureEverything Festival Showcase. Check out the Raise Your Voice web­site for more details.

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A stillness on the ear

At 17:00 on April 30th con­tem­porary music group Psappha will per­form a new work of mine, Wege & Waldstille, for cla­rinet, hand­held per­cus­sion, piano, cello and elec­tronics (see event listing). In writing it I thought a fair amount fur­ther about si­lence and near-silence in my music, how it can be­have and how it can be­come a con­struc­tion ma­terial in its own right. Here are a few more thoughts on that subject.

In A Book of Silence, Sara Maitland ob­serves that, ‘Silence has no nar­rative. Silence in­tens­i­fies sen­sa­tion, but blurs the sense of time.’ Silence was one of the first things I came to ex­plore when I started having music per­formed. Before I had ex­per­i­enced the grip­ping va­cuum at the heart of Helmut Lachenmann’s Gran Torso, be­fore I had heard Luigi Nono’s Fragmente-Stille sparkle on the ho­rizon, be­fore I knew how Salvatore Sciarrino’s music can totter and weave on the brink of aud­ib­ility, even be­fore I had read John Cage’s Silence or un­der­stood 4'33" in any real way, si­lence was some­thing I dis­covered, un­covered and loved. Read More »

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You can now hear some of my music on­line at my Bandcamp page and I’ll be adding some more re­cord­ings in a few weeks. Bandcamp lets you up­load high-quality audio and offer it for both streaming and down­load in a wide range of formats, so if you like what you hear, help your­self to a free down­load in whichever shape or size suits you.

The con­tem­porary music col­lective Raise Your Voice, which I run with Rob Guy and Steve Pycroft, is also using Bandcamp. Check out the re­cording of the Raise Your Voice launch night here.

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  • Microbiography

    Chris Swithinbank is a British-Dutch com­poser who works with both acoustic in­stru­ments and elec­tronic sounds. He is cur­rently a stu­dent at Harvard University with Chaya Czernowin.
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  • Hear