Wege & Waldstille

Driven by an urge to find ways of com­bining the quiet, tactile spaces I have been be­coming in­creas­ingly fond of with some­thing more forceful and volatile, Wege & Waldstille in some ways com­bines ideas from various strands of my work from the last couple of years. In trying to frame lim­inal, del­icate sound­worlds with more sharply con­trasting ma­terial, it is hope­fully pos­sible to cause those seem­ingly still and fra­gile en­vir­on­ments to find their own force­ful­ness, to provide a strik­ingly powerful space in their quietude.

Wege & Waldstille was written for Psappha and was premiered on Friday 30th April 2010 along­side works by fellow University of Manchester post­graduate com­posers Soojung Park, Josh Kopeček, Mauricio Pauly and Yvonne Eccles.

Read more about Wege & Waldstille in ‘A Stillness on the Ear’.