Hear: …going back to the skies

At the start of last month, Trio Atem gave a won­derful per­form­ance of my …going back to the skies as part of the ‘Out Hear’ series at Kings Place. Here is a re­cording of the per­form­ance for all to hear. As al­ways, thanks to Gavin, Nina and Alice!

Trio Atem rehearsing at Kings Place, London

Trio Atem re­hearsing at Kings Place, London

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Composer Portrait:
Donal Sarsfield

Recent re­cip­ient of the 1er Prix Luigi Russolo for his work Gallivanting (now re­titled as The Suitcases Piece), Donal Sarsfield is an Irish com­poser cur­rently studying for a PhD in elec­troacoustic music at the University of Manchester on an Irish Arts Council Elizabeth Maconchy Composition Fellowship. His re­cent tape music demon­strates poignancy and hu­mour in equal measure, with at­ten­tion to the de­tail of even the most eph­em­eral ges­ture. For the second of an oc­ca­sional series of pro­files of com­posers whose music I like (pre­vi­ously: Nina Whiteman), Donal kindly agreed to an­swer some ques­tions about what makes him tick. Read More »

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Donal Sarsfield

Unfolding musical memory

So, it’s done! I fin­ished the score of June Unfolding for the or­chestra of King Edward Musical Society last week and the parts are being pre­pared for the first re­hearsal on 3 May. I thought I would take a mo­ment to put down some thoughts on the com­pos­i­tion pro­cess and the ideas be­hind the piece, es­pe­cially as I won’t be at the first two re­hearsals and it might be nice for the players to find out a bit more.’

Read more on adoptacomposer.org »

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Announcing Cities of Sound

Cities of Sound flyer

The col­lective I co-founded, Raise Your Voice, has just an­nounced its latest ven­ture: an ex­hib­i­tion of sound in­stall­a­tions plus live per­form­ance en­titled Cities of Sound as part of FutureEverything Festival 2011. Read more »

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…going back to the skies @ Kings Place

Trio Atem collage | Photos by Nik MorrisGood friends Trio Atem make their London début on 4 April with a con­cert as part of the in­nov­ative ‘Out Hear’ series at Kings Place. Gavin Osborn (flute), Nina Whiteman (voice) and Alice Purton (cello) present a pro­gramme of new music by com­posers based in the North West of England along­side the work that first brought them to­gether, Helmut Lachenmann’s temA. Also in­cluded in the pro­gramme is a newly re­vised ver­sion of my …going back to the skies, which they first premièred last year. Here is the pro­gramme in full:

Michael Mayhew’s work comes from his series of graphic scores, The Alchemy Collection, which first premièred in the au­tumn at the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester. Here are some im­ages of ‘Vinyl Radical’ from the series:

Vinyl Radical: To Observe, for celloVinyl Radical: Turbulent Mischief, for flute, piccolo & bass fluteVinyl Radical: Bird Strike, for voice

It should be a great con­cert and I’m looking for­ward to it im­mensely, so buy your tickets now!

Listings: Venue / Facebook / Last.fm / MySpace / Songkick

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  • Microbiography

    Chris Swithinbank is a British-Dutch com­poser who works with both acoustic in­stru­ments and elec­tronic sounds. He is cur­rently a stu­dent at Harvard University with Chaya Czernowin.
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  • Hear