
I work with various per­muta­tions of in­stru­mental and elec­tronic re­sources, mainly fo­cusing on cre­ating mu­sical ex­per­i­ences with a re­l­at­ively fixed struc­ture (be that scored or on tape). I am in­ter­ested in the per­form­ance ex­per­i­ence in terms of the human ex­change between per­former and audi­ence member, and with each work hope to open up doors to worlds that might oth­er­wise not exist.

I studied on the ‘Cursus 1’ pro­gramme at IRCAM (France), sup­ported by an Entente Cordiale Scholarship, and at the University of Manchester (UK) where I re­ceived Bachelors and Masters de­grees in music and com­pos­i­tion, studying with Ricardo Climent. In September 2013, I joined the doc­toral pro­gramme at Harvard University (USA) where I study with Chaya Czernowin. Other im­portant mu­sical en­coun­ters have in­cluded dis­cus­sions with Pierluigi Billone, Martin Iddon, Rebecca Saunders and Steven Kazuo Takasugi, and work with the mu­si­cians of soundini­ti­ative, Talea Ensemble and Trio Atem.

Last up­dated: 8 March 2015

  • Chris Swithinbank, portrait photograph