Hand Werk Incredulous in Harvard

HGNM Hand Werk PosterOn Saturday, 8 March, Cologne-based en­semble hand werk are giving the first of the Harvard Group for New Music’s con­certs for the year. In a mam­moth pro­gramme that in­cludes works by my col­leagues here Sivan Cohen-Elias, Marta Gentilucci, Justin Hoke, Tim McCormack, Manuela Meier, Marek Poliks, Ian Power, and Sabrina Schroeder, they will play my trio The Incredulity of St Thomas. Many thanks go to Heather Roche, Niklas Seidl, and Jonathan Hepfer for all their hard work and also to the HGNM team for making this happen.

Listings: Facebook | Venue

foot­note: In past years on this day I have posted some­thing to mark International Women’s Day. As I haven’t had time to put to­gether any­thing this year, suf­fice it to say it’s a pleasure to be marking the day with a sur­pris­ingly bal­anced con­cert for once!

This entry was written by Chris, posted on Saturday, 8 March 2014 at 4:29 am, filed under Performances and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post. Both comments and trackbacks are currently closed.
  • Microbiography

    Chris Swithinbank is a British-Dutch com­poser who works with both acoustic in­stru­ments and elec­tronic sounds. He is cur­rently a stu­dent at Harvard University with Chaya Czernowin.
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