La leggerezza delle città

Combining a sonic vocab­u­lary that fuses con­crete sounds of the city with more ab­stract ma­terial, La leggerezza delle città hopes to ex­plore and ex­pose the weight­less clarity of cer­tain acoustic ex­per­i­ences whose rapid in­cisions into the listener’s per­cep­tion leave crisply out­lined yet mul­ti­far­ious and ul­ti­mately in­ef­fable im­pres­sions, en­ga­ging in a dia­logue between the sonic reality of the work and the imagined/remembered re­la­tions that the listener con­structs with it. In part this ap­proach is in­spired by Italo Calvino’s pro­posals for the fu­ture of lit­er­ature made in his Sei pro­poste per il prossimo mil­lennio, which sug­gests that a quest for a lit­er­ature of light­ness, quick­ness, ex­actitude, vis­ib­ility and mul­ti­pli­city will char­ac­terise the next 1,000 years. It is this ‘leggerezza della pensosità’ — this light­ness of thought — that I strive for.

La leggerezza delle città was com­mis­sioned by Irma Catalina Álvarez and Encuentros Cuenca, where it was premiered in September 2010, and it is ded­ic­ated to her and David Martinez Sanchez. It was com­posed during Summer 2010 at the NOVARS Research Centre in Manchester, UK, using a com­bin­a­tion of studio re­cord­ings and field re­cord­ings taken around the city of Manchester.

La leggerezza delle città — Sonogram-Waveform Overlay

  • Instrumentation

    • Fixed media (stereo)
  • Details

  • Audio